Floreat Salopia_ meaning May Shropshire flourish a fitting start of this blog post dedicated to my latest locum job that has taken me to Shrewsbury , the capital of Shropshire . I have never been to Shropshire before and it really was something I needed to amend as it hides some really amazing gems. The most charming, in my opinion, is the before-mentioned medieval capital, about the size of Maribor , that has hundreds of grade listed buildings and lovely narrow streets.
Next to the Watkin path
Not to repeat myself to many times but I went on a great hiking trip round Snowdonia. Got up way to early and still by the time I came to Nant Gwynant I was still very much in need of sleep. Besides that it was still pouring with rain but there were prospects of sunshine later. So I I did something I haven’t so far: crawled in the back of my car, got myself comfortable, opened the windows a little bit and went to sleep.
Standing on the famous Cantilever on Glyder Fach in Snowdonia
A couple of years ago I trekked these hills with and came away with a lovely sunburn, sore legs and a great experience. Not unlike this time although I cannot fathom how those UV lights beams were able to penetrate all those clouds yesterday in order to give my skin a damn good uv-light trashing.
The Glyders horseshoe as its also known usually means walking the 4 mountains in one go and this time I did them in this order: Tryfan, Glyer Fach, Glyder Fawr and Y Garn.
This is supposed to be a joke but it does depend on how you look at it. It is because on Monday, April 16th, I did my CBT - Compulsory Basic Training for driving a motorcycle and at the end of the training - about 4pm I was set loose on the streets of Haverfordwest.
I would like to apologize to everyone as I kept driving a little to slow or left you waiting because it took me longer than normal to clear a roundabout.
Secret santa je božična navada, ki sem jo opazil v Veliki Britaniji, kjer podariš poljubno izžrebani osebi darilo omejene vrednosti za Dedka mraza. Seveda ta oseba ne ve od koga je dobila darilo, vrednost pa je ponavadi omejena - v našem podjetju smo omejili na 5 funtov.
Za ta Božič sem se odločil, da se pridružim tej navadi in dodal svoj ime na spisek skrivnih božičkov. Slučaj je nanesel, da sem imel zadnji dan službe pred potovanjem v Slovenijo še neke službene obveznosti, moral sem se še dokončno spakirati in se pripraviti na pot.
Slika z BBC strani, avtorja Scotty
Včeraj sem šel spet malo na ogled do lokacije snemanja novega filma o Robinu Hoodu na obali Freshwater West in zadeve so se precej spremenile od prejšnjega tedna, ko sem bil nazadnje tam. Varnostnikov ni bilo veliko in tokrat so me vsaj spustili na plažo, kljub temu, da je na tam potekalo snemanje. Povsod sami statisti, večinoma v horizontali. Če se nisem spotaknil ob statista, sem se pa skoraj ob kako sulico.
V mesecu juniju 2009 so pričeli nedaleč od tod s snemanjem naslednje filmske upodobitve princa tatov - Robina Hooda.
V mesecu juniju 2009 so pričeli nedaleč od tod s snemanjem naslednje filmske upodobitve princa tatov - Robina Hooda.
Lokacija, kjer poteka snemanje, se imenuje Freshwater West in gre za eno lepših plaž v Pembrokeshire -ju in Wales-u nasploh. Tu so pejšnji mesec celo snemali naslednji film o Harryu Potterju. Produkcija za Robina Hooda pa je precej večja in vključuje veliko več ljudi in opreme.
Mt Snowdon
Ever since I moved to Wales 2 years ago I had a quiet wish to climb the highest peak in this country - Snowdon. Last weekend was showing to be a perfect opportunity to fulfil that wish. I was working only till 12 pm and the forecast was for sunshine and high temperatures stretching way into the following week. Getting some good literature , so you know what your are doing, is very advisable.